Cool Drool
Beautiful man. Just simply beautiful. Very suggestive music as well. Cool as fuck.
Cool Drool
Beautiful man. Just simply beautiful. Very suggestive music as well. Cool as fuck.
Not, bad but could've been better
I really enjoyed the light reflection effect and the 3d effects were pretty nice as well but other than that the artwork felt a bit rushed. I've never been much of a fan of Tenacious D so I didn't really care much for the song but all in all it was an ok video.
thanx, the light and 3d effects were good but the rest was far from rushed. tenacious D rock!
It was like watching slow people run really fast
I liked it just about as much as I would like anything with a kinda cinnamonish scent to it. Very nice. Very nice indeed.
Yeah, cinnamon is awesome.
I liked it.
It was really decent but it could be improved. A little more movement from the characters wouldn't hurt. Good effort still.
Hey man, thanks for the review. I have never done any flash before. Mostly I just came up with the ideas. But for this project I animated 50% of it, so my movement wwas a little restricted. But still, thanks for the input
That was great. I love the style.
That sucked so incredibly hard yet I couldn't stop laughing. Good job I guess...
thanks i guess...
This was just brilliant and any stoner who has been without pot can relate to the poor souls. Please make a sequel...
This is probably as good as it gets. I can't think of anything negative to say about this flash even though I hate the winter from the bottom of my heart. This just brings out the good in me I guess. Keep it up, keep it up.
great flash
That was cool but I doubt you'll get front page unless you make something with a decent storyline. That's basically the only department you really need to improve at this point.
hmmm. Yea i guess your right, stuff that makes no sense has gotten on the front page before though.
My words are made of dead pixies and the soil, which I soil from time to time, is not entirely comfortable right now.
Age 44, Male
Drug tester
Old school
A dump
Joined on 5/31/05